Monday, June 17, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action!

The photo shoot for the Galapagos website launch took place on Saturday 8th June at the magnificent RIDAUK studios in Kings Cross, and ever since, we have been working our way through hundreds of photos for the new website. We're super pleased to be able to give you a sneak preview before we go live later this month!

With 5 huge spaces all in gleaming white, we didn't know where to start, but with a little help from our friends (even those of the canine variety), the shoot finally came together. We hope you'll like the end results!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Phoenix Nights

Another day another journey to the workshop! With the help of our trusty upholsterer, new pieces are arriving every day and needless to say we're delighted with the results. 

Todays gifts from the gods: an amazing button backed chair in Korla's beautiful Phoenix fabric and an emerald green from Bute (part of a pair, the other will be the opposite colourway), plus an amazing daybed in Korla's Alhambra stars. Anyone for a lie down?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back In Black

After a brief hiatus spent reviewing, sorting and generally preparing for the launch later this month, we're finally in the run up to our first studio shoot on Saturday at the superb RIDA studios in Islington! Only the best for the best we say. 

We'll be documenting the shoot for the blog, but in the meantime we've had an abundance of new products landing on our doorstep, including these amazing Howard Keith Encore chairs! They've been lovingly restored with Korla's Black Lattice on the back - serious statement pieces for the boys!